Every thing in this universe is composed of Seven Rays of colour. We can see these rays in Rainbow. We can call it Meghadhanusha - VIBGYOR-rays. VIBGYOR RAYS mean combination of VIOLET, INDIGO, BLUE, GREEN, YELLOW, ORANGE & RED. Through a Prism one can find or see these COSMIC rays. In the ancient Indian text, the "KURMA PURANA", the seven planets are to be seen as condensations of the seven cosmic rays. It was understood that on our planet Earth the greatest condensation of the cosmic rays are found in natural gem stones. This chart shows you the Metal, Chakra, Planets, Cosmic Colour, Primary Gems, Sanskrit Name & Alternative Gems (Secondary Gems) & Zodiac Sign as per Hindu system of astrology. Gem stone therapy should not be deemed as practise of medicine and should not be viewed as a substitute for consultations with your physician or other health care professional.

Cosmic Colour Planets Main Characteristics Metal Sanskrit Name Primary Gems Alternative Gems Zodiac Moon Rashi /Sun Sign* Chakra in Seven Plexus
Red Sun Physical Life Gold Manikya Ruby Red Turamaline Red Spinel Rubellite Simha Leo* Root/Spine/Base Muldhara
Orange Moon Energy Astral / Emotional & Etheric Silver Mukta Natural Pearl Moon Stone Karka Cancer* Spleen/ Sex Swadhisthan
Yellow Mars Intellect Mental Gold Munga Red Coral Jasper Carnelion Mesha Aries* Vruschika Scorpio* Solar Plexus Naval Manipara
Green Mercury Harmony Sympathy Gold Panna Emerald Peridot Green-Tourmalin eMithun Gemini* Kanya Virgo* Heart Anahata
Blue (Light) Jupiter Religious Inspiration Gold Pushparaga Yellow Sapphire Yellow Topaz, Citrine Dhanu Sagittarious* Meena Pises* Throat Vishuddh
Indigo (Deep Blue) Venus Intuition Gold Vajra Diamond White Sapphire, White Zircon Vrishabha Taurus* Tula Libra* Brow,3rd eyes Anjna Pineal
Violet Saturn Spritually Divine Sterling, Silver or Gold Nilam Blue Sapphire Amethyst blue Spinel Makar Capricon* Kumbha Aquarious* Crown Sahasara Pituatary
Ultra Violet Rahu - Silver Gomeda Garnet Hessonite Orange Zircon - -
Infra Red Ketu - Gold Vaidurya Cat's Eye Cat's Eye Tourmaline - -
Uses of the Gems Colour (Cosmic Colour & It's Gems) Cosmic Colour and Disease
Red :

This colour is very useful in all disease of the Blood-Stream, Anaemia, Debility, colds etc. Red is useful in cases of Impeding Collapse with profuse sweat and cold extremities. Mentally deficient children also need this colour to activate their brain.

Orange :

This colour is effective in Chronic Asthma, Fever, Bronchitis, Wet cough, Gout, Chronic Rhematism, Nephritis, Gall Stones, Prolapses, Menopouse & Mental Debility. Haemorrhages, Bleeding from any organ, Diarrhoea, Insomnia, Kidney infections and Urinary tract.

Yellow :

This colour is effective in Stomach Troubles. Constipation, liver disorders, Diabetes, Haemorrhoids, Eczema, Leprosy, Nervous Debility. Yellow gem medicines have been found to give relif in cases of Depression. Jaundice and other distresses caused by sluggish action of liver, cases of Piles

Green :

This colour is very effective in cases of Heart Troubles, Blood pruessure, Ulcers, Cancer, Headache, Neuralgia, Influenza, Syphilis, Erysipelus. Green Gem Medicines have been found effective in Burns, Skin disases

Blue :

Light colour of blue is effective in throat troubles, Laryngitis, Sore Throat, Pharyngitis, Goitre. wooping cough, Tonsilitis, Hoarsenses & Obesity.This colour should be useful in diseases of the Ductless Glands, as Jupiter accordingly to astrology has an influence over the Glandular System of body.

Indigo :

This colour is effective in eye trouble, ear and nose complaints, facial paralysis, pneumonia, bronchitis, wooping cough, Dyspesia, Insanity etc. It has been found effective in Appendicities & Purulent Tonsilities. This colour is also tried in all cases of Genito Urinary organs and Venus has control over this in Astrology.

Violet :

This colour is effective in Nervous and Mental Disorders. Neurosis, Neuralgia, Sciatica, Epilepsy, Meningitis, Rheumatism, Rheumatic Pains, Skin Disorders. These colours are very effective in sever Asthama in combination with Red. Violet with its cognate colour purple is a powerful healing agent with a direct influence on the brain and nerves. Violet light is a great help in meditation and concentration of a spiritual nature

Ultra Violet :

Excessive heat sensation in the body can be controlled with this colour useful in Insomnia, Mental disturbances & this colour is useful in AIDS too ( research is going on)

Infra Red :

This is the hottest colour in the spectrum. This colour is most essential colour. When cold superimposes, death occurs. Hence, heat is required to revive the person. This colour is very useful in cases of cancer, paralysis, osteo Arthritis, chronic Dysentery.

  • Acidity, Digestive disorder, High Blood Pressure -Emerald Gem
  • Common cold, constipation, Bronchitis -Red Corol
  • Insomania -Moon Stone
  • Piles -Red Coral & Pearl
  • Asthma -Blue sapphire
  • Gout (Rheumatism) -Red coral & Amethyst
  • Heart disease -Ruby

Vayu, Pitta & Kapha are the three-fold forces of Harmony, Energy and Inertia inherent in every living cell. This three Doshas (TRIDOSHA) are related as under:

Doshas Gunas Forces Elemnets Combination
Vayu Sattva Harmony Akash(Ether) And Air neutrul
Pitta Rajas Energy Fire Negative
Kapha Tamas Inertia Water & Earth Positive
Elements Rudiment Faculty Sense Organ Cosmic Colour
Akash (Ether) Space Sound / Hearing Ears Blue
Air Touch Skin Violet
Fire Form / Sight Eyes Red
Water Taste Tongue Orange
Earth Smell Nose Green
Elements Zodiac Signs (Sayan - Sun Sign)* (Niryan - Moon Sing)
Fire Aries* Mesha Leo* Simha Sagittarius* Dhanu
Earth Taurus* Vrishabh Virgo* Kanya Capricon* Makar
Air Gemini* Mithun Libra* Tula Aquarius* Kumbha
Water Cancer* Karka Scorpio* Vrischika Pisces* Meena